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Although honey production is not our top priority, we do harvest the honey in our hives when there is enough for the bees to share!

We first take the honey-filled frames out from the hives. The number of frames that we harvest depends on many factors, including the bees' health, the amount of nectar available to them, as well as the weather. We then remove the caps of the wax cells on both sides of the frames to get to the honey. 

After that, the uncapped frames are placed into the basket of our honey extractor four at a time. We turn the hand crank of the extractor to spin the basket and cause the honey to drip from the frames. The honey then pools at the bottom of the extractor, which has a valve that we collect the honey from. We filter the honey before finally putting it into jars.


Upcoming honey sales will be mentioned on our socials and in our monthly newsletter.

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